Research shows that within three years after the birth of a baby, approximately ⅔ of couples will experience a significant drop in relationship quality and have a dramatic increase in conflict and hostility. Bringing Baby Home addresses this international social problem.
The Bringing Baby Home Program is dedicated to improving the quality of life for babies and children by strengthening their families. It is a research-based and research-tested, psycho-educational intervention. The program is focused on helping expectant couples and parents of infants and toddlers to equip themselves with the knowledge and skills needed to cope constructively with the changes brought about by the birth of a child.
Bringing Baby Home is an educational program for pregnant couples and families with children up to three years of age.
This 2-day workshop is taught in one weekend on Saturday and Sunday from 9am – 4pm, with a 1-hour lunch break. The workshop location is the Griffin Business Centre in North Vancouver.
Class size is limited, pre-registration is required. The $500 fee/couple includes workbook and materials.
I do offer the workshop to couples privately in my counselling office. This can be scheduled in whatever way works best for you. My hourly couples counselling rate will apply.